The Anniversary of VE Day
The Redwick History Group, together with other groups in the village, had planned to hold a weekend of events to mark the anniversary of VE day over the weekend of Friday May 8th to Sunday May 10th. These were going to include an exhibition about life in Redwick during the second World War and the part that various members of the village played in the war effort.
The church bells were going to be pealed and there was going to be an evening function in the hall on the Saturday evening including dancing, food and a bar to which people were invited to wear costumes from the 1940s. This was in contrast to 1945 when the church bells could not be rung because of the damage to the church from the bomb and the village hall had not yet been built so people met in the school for a celebration.
As a result of Covid 19 all the plans had to be cancelled. However a group of residents living near Prince Charles’ Gardens met for an impromptu, carefully socially distanced, get together to mark the occasion on Friday May 8th. The event was recorded by Jackie Thomas who took the photographs.